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Marca 2022 event at Bologna

On the 12 and 13 of April 2022 will be held the 18th edition of Marca, the renowned international exhibition on products made by Private Label (MDD) organized by BolognaFiere in collaboration with the Modern Distribution Association.

Among the companies exhibiting the products of Italian excellence, there will also be Gelato d’Italia which will promote its innovative approach and its point of view within the ice cream industry, with many novelties for the summer of 2022. Marca is the second fair in Europe in the MDD sector and represents an important opportunity for meeting, comparing, and discovering, with nearly 900 participating exhibitors. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th of April at Hall 29 stand C46-D45.

The Team Leader Academy kicks off

Gelato d’Italia has always believed in people, the true secret of any successful business. In fact, the difference in a company is made by professionals who work with skill and passion to achieve common and personal goals.

For this reason, Gelato d’Italia chooses to invest in young talents with the Team Leader Academy, an innovative training project in collaboration with Manpower Group. It will be a stimulating and intense course, lasting three years, with a study program in the classroom, but also on the job, to provide students – and future team leaders – with a 360-degree preparation on the world of ice cream.

A complete training, practical and theoretical, which will provide skills and tools to future professionals, teaching them right from the start how to deal with the responsibilities of managing work and a team.

Find out more about here!

Starting again with ANUGA 2021

ANUGA, the world’s leading trade fair for the Food & Beverage, will take place from 9 to 13 October 2021, and Gelato d’Italia Team will be there.

After 2019 edition, ANUGA 2021 in Cologne is the first major international event organized in presence.  It’s an important restart for the entire production. It is a historic fair that every two years offers innovations, trends and insights into the future of the food industry and this year it will host over 7.400 exhibitors from more than 100 countries.

ANUGA is undoubtedly one of the most important international events for the Food & Beverage industry and offers the best opportunities for all the markets around the world: congresses, special shows on current affairs, and events that offer information and new networking opportunities.

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